Farrago Partner network
Unlock discounts and benefits exclusive to the Farrago community.

Music Partners
A few of our friends doing incredible things for the underground music community!

Pirate Studios
Music studios, rehearsal studios, podcast studios, plus regular events to connect with a wide community of artists.

Connecting artists with curators, labels & radio. Get feedback and promotion

Youth Music
A charity that invests in music programs to help young people aged 0-25 make, learn and earn a living in music.

Beatbread: Democratizing music funding. Customize contracts, get advances up to 8X annual streaming income. Artists, labels, managers welcome.

Connecting content creators with new music and brands. Earn money promoting artists. Join our vibrant community!
Help us lift the grassroots scene
If you are a business, community or charity providing services for artists in London, and would like to join our partner network, get in touch below.